4.5; Vivarium unfolds a shuddering picture of the modern atomisation and sterilisation of human life, designed to be a replica of nature yet is entirely isolated from nature. Its conscious depiction of the unknown and unknowable avian creatures observing, mimicking and studying human behaviours as though they were but subjects, manages to defamiliarise the quotidian modern life and enable the audience to see and live it in terror. Projecting itself as amplifications of day-to-day life, Vivarium is a frightening, disturbing piece that gives you the shivers; as a film it showcases how to create deeply horrifying experiences for the audience using minimalistic locale and personae. #Mayhem2019
工具人有:外逃遇见的淡定老人,非缠着男主的Max,主动挺身赴死的意大利老哥。有影评说跳脱了以往对纳粹的刻板印象,我感觉一方面此跳脱的落实依然是套路式的,另一方面此跳脱和主线叙事结合的不那么好。 主角的核心层面挖掘的不错,但是剧作刻意感还是重了点,后面男主也稍稍有点过于淡定了… 觉得还有更多可能性的空间,麻豆传煤官网APP入口免费尤其是结尾的设计。 布光和视听都稳扎稳打,麻豆传煤官网APP入口免费尤其是视听沉稳有力,不过确实也不惊艳。